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BANKS, Grace, Art Escapes: Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museum (Gestalten, 2022) 82-85.

PERRON, Wendy, What Was Judson Dance Theater, Who Was Against It, and Did It Ever End?, 2022

BEACHY-QUICK, Dan. COSMIC DANCER: Dan Beachy-Quick on Charles Ross’s Star Axis. ARTFORUM, October 28, 2021

HASS, Nancy, A Land Art Pioneer’s Adventures in Time and Space, New York Times, July 21, 2020

GAMWELL, Lynn.  Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press) 2020. 270-271.

RIZZO, Angie. Holy Architecture for Earthly Devotion, Hyperallergic, January 28, 2020

MIRANDA, Carolina. Newsletter: Essential Arts: Why are four L.A. spaces celebrating a radical San Francisco gallery? LA Times, August 3, 2019.

MEYER, James. The Art of Light, A Conversation with Charles Ross and James Meyer, February 24, 2019

RAWLINS, Jarrod. Interview with Charles Ross, Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, May 31, 2018

HASS, Nancy.  What Happens When a Single Art Project Becomes a Decades-Long Obsession?  New York Times, T Magazine, September 18, 2018.

GUENIN, Hélene.  Cosmogonies – au gré des éléments, (exhibition catalog) Musé d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain (MAMAC), Nice, France, 2018.

EDDY, Jordan.  Field Report: Las Vegas, NM, THE Magazine, Santa Fe, NM, July, 2018.

CAMPBELL, Andy.  Charles Ross at Parrasch Heijnen Gallery, LA, ARTFORUM, April, 2017.

SHEPPLAND, Jenn. Inside Nature and Time: Charles Ross + Jill O’Bryan, THE Magazine, Santa Fe, NM, July 1, 2017

MEYER, James.  Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959-1971 (exhibition catalog). (Washington DC: National Gallery of Art), 2016.

CELLANT, Germano.  Virginia Dwan and Dwan Gallery, (Milano: Skira) 2016.

NEEDHAM, Alex.  Thunderbolts and time travel: my journey to the cosmic heart of land art, The Guardian, May, 2016

DAOU, Daniel  & Pablo Pérez-Ramos, Eds.  New Geographies 08: Island, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Graduate School of Design) 2016. 40.

Cosmic Connections (exhibition catalog), Totah Gallery, New York, NY 2016.

The XXI century Cabinet of Curiosity (catalogue). Theatrum Mundi, Arezzo, Italy, 2015. 95, 149.

Art & Space: Site-Specific Art of the Americas. Phaidon. 2013

McEVILLEY, Thomas.  Charles Ross: The Substance of Light, Essays by Thomas McEvilley and Klaus Ottmann. Interview between Loïc Malle and         Charles Ross. Historical texts by Virginia Dwan, Anna Halprin, Michael Heizer, Steve Katz, Donald Kuspit, Ed Ranney, and Jean-Hubert Martin (Santa Fe , NM: Radius Books). 2012.

KAISER, Phillipp, and KWON Miwon.  Ends of the Earth: Art of the Land to 1974, (Prestel: New York and London) for LA MoCA. 2012

ADLMANN, Jan Ernst.  Charles Ross, ARTFORUM, October 3, 2012

Charles Ross, THE magazine, June, 2012, 13.

WIDER, Susan.  Charles Ross: Solar Burns, THE magazine, July, 2012, 59.

REIFENSCHELD, Beate, Ed.  Die Letzte Freiheit / The Last Freedom: From the Pioneers of Land Art in the 1960s to Nature in Cyberspace

                 (Silvana Editoriale: Milano) for Ludwig Museum, Deutscherrenhaus, Koblenz. 2011

SMITH, Terry.  Contemporary Art: World Currents (London: Laurence King (LKP), and Pearson Prentice-Hall) 2011

DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges.  Atlas. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2010.

KÖNIG, Kasper, Barbara Engelbach, Friederike WAppler, Hans Winkler, Looking for Mushrooms: Beat Poets, Hippies, Funk, Minimal Art,

San Francisco 1955-1968, (Catalogue.) (Walther König: Köln) 2009. 154.

HARMON, Katherine. The Map as Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography. New York: Princeton Arch. Press, 2009.

LAMBERT-BEATTY, Carrie. Being Watched, Yvonne Rainer and the 1960’s, Boston: MIT Press, 2008. 62,63,84.

LAILACH, Michael. LAND ART, (Taschen) 2007

TUFNELL, Ben. Land Art, (London: Tate Publishing) 2007

DEMPSEY, Amy. Destination Art.  Berkeley, Los Angeles: UC Press; London: Thames and Hudson, 2006. 92-95.

RAINER, Yvonne. Feelings Are Facts: A Life.  Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 2006. 225, 244.

WEINTRAUB, Linda with Skip Schuckmann. Cycle-Logical Art: Recycling Matters for Eco-Art. Artnow Publications: Rhinebeck, NY, 2006. 87-93

ROMAN, Mathilde. A propos de Charles Ross – Entretein avec Loïc, March 25, 2006

ROSS, Charles. Conversation with Anna Halprin, October, 2006. Video.

MALLE. Loïc. Conversation with Charles Ross, July, 2006. Video.

Photo Essay, Starry Starry NightArchitectural Record, October, 2005. 102-109

CARVER, Jon, Timeline 2005: Charles Ross’ Star Axis, Art Papers, July / August 2005. 28-33

KHAN, Yasmin, Graced by Rainbows, Santa Fe New Mexican, September 17, 2004, B-1, B-4

BOETTGER, Suzaan. Behind the Earth MoversArt in America, April, 2004. 54-63.

KOSTELANETZ, Richard. Soho, the Rise and Fall of an American Artist’s Colony, London, New York: Routledge, 2003.171-174.

CHRISTEN,  Markus.  Star Axis – ein monument der Kosmischen GeometrieKunst+Stein, December 6, 2002. 11-15.

KARLIN, Susan, A Sculptor Works Up an Exposé of the Stars’ Secrets, The New York Times, Arts & Leisure, Sunday November 3, 2002; 21,28.

KELLY, James. The Sculptural Idea. 4th Edition. Waveland Press: Lon Grove, IL 2002. Star Axis on cover.

MARTIN, Jean-Hubert.  Le Chateau d’ Oiron et son Cabinet de Curiosités.  Paris: Éditions du Patrimoine, 2000, 170-173.

MALLE, Loïc.  Transparence et Transcendance, in Architectures de Lumiére, eds. Anne-Marie Charbonneaux and Norbert Hillaire. Marvel, 2000. 180-   183. Color Photos.

WARR, Tracey.  Roden Crater. contemprary visual arts, Issue 30, 2000. Star Axis, pg.45.

LINTON, Harold.   Color in Architecture.  McGraw-Hill, 1999, 169-173.  Color Photos.

TANAKA, Yukito.  Introducing Artwork into the University, Kenchiku Bunka, Vol. 54, No. 633, July, 1999.

FEHRENKAMP, Ariane.  Saitama Prefectural U. Sculpture, April 2000, Vol. 19, No. 3, pg. 17.

WARE, Tricia.  Edward Ranney: Photo-Eye Gallery, Santa Fe, Santa Fean, Nov-Dec 2000, pg. 55, 88. Photos of Star Axis.

Edward Ranney, Photographs from the Star Axis Project, THE Magazine, November 2000, pg. 34 Photo.

DOHERTY, Brenda. Star Axis, New Mexico Magazine (Feb 1999) 40-41. Color Photos.

BENSLEY, Lis.  The 48, The Santa Fe New Mexican, Pasatiempo, June 27-July 3, 1997.  B&W photo. Light Sanctuary, Art in America, April 1997, Color photos , 31.

ADLMANN, Jan.   Contemporary New Mexico Artists: Sketches & Schemas.  Craftsman House: Australia, 1996. Color photo on Cover and color photo 167, photos 168-169.

SIEGLAUB, Seth, ed.  Charles Ross,  ArtPress Spécial: 69/96, Avant-Gardes et Fin de Siecle; 75 Artists Reconent leur Parcours, Hors-Série Numéro 17 1996, Color photos, 114-115.

RIVERA, Ray.  Let there be Light, Santa Fe New Mexican,  Sunday, June 2, 1996, Color photo, Focus cover.

VINE, Richard.  Charles Ross at Humphrey, Art in America, September 1995, Color photo 107, 108.

OAKES, Baile.  Sculpting with the Environment, International Thomson Pub., Inc., London, 1995, Color photos 46-55.

NANJO, Fumino.  Art in the Workplace, SD Monthly Journal of Art and Architecture, June 1994, Color photos 28,29.

SAYRE, Henry  M.    A World of Art,  Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood, NJ, 1994.

TIBERGHIEN, Giles.  Land Art, c. Editions Carre, Paris, 1993; Princeton Architectural Press, Princeton, 1995.

WERKNER, Patrick.  Star Axis, Diadelos, June 1993; 40-45.

BIZOT, Jean Francoise.  Le Reenchantement de l’Amerique, Actuel, April 1992.

TOIKKA, Koonnut Antero.  Aavikkotaidetta, Taide, April 1992.

WERKNER, Patrick.  Land Art USA, c. Prestel-Verlag Munich 1992; 123-130.

CONWELL, Douglas.  Celestial Artwork, New Mexico Magazine, March 1992.

PLEVIN, Nancy.  Earthwork’ Aspires to Connect Man to Heavens, (A.P. Wire), Los Angeles Times, Nov.10, 1991.

MUNRO, Eleanor.  Light Revealed, METROPOLIS, April 1991; 38-41, 54. Color photo.

ELLIS, Simone.  STAR AXIS, Pasatiempo (The New Mexican), Feb.1, 1991; cover, 20-22, photos.

SERRA 15,  Point Source Star Space, August/September, 1990. (Italy); Color photo, 88-89.

Squibline (cover), Fall, 1988.

SAAD-COOK, Janet.  With Charles Ross, Nancy HOLT, and James Turell: Touching the Sky: Artworks using Natural Phenomena, Earth, Sky, and Connections to Astronomy, Leonardo, Vol. 21-2, Spring 1988, Photo.

GERSTER, George.  Gestures and Creations: Productions and Positions of American Earth Art, Wochenende Neue Zurther Zeigtung, May 9-10, 1987.  Photos.

WILSON, MaLin.  Walking through Rainbows: A New Trip at the San Francisco AirportSan Francisco Examiner, 5-10-87.

MUNRO, Eleanor. Art in the Desert, New York Times, Sunday, December 7, 1986. Photo.

HARPER, Hilliard.  New Wells Fargo Sculpture Connects Light and Stars, Los Angeles Times, May 2, 1986.

BRENSON, Michael.  The Lure of the Landscape, New York Times,  March 9, 1986.

ROSS, Charles.  Star Axis, Whole Earth Review, Winter 1985; 1-2.

LINTON, Harold.  Color Model Environments, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, 1985; 226-30. Photos.

RANNEY, Edward.  Western Spaces: Excavation The Present, Aperture, Spring 1985; 42,46, & 47. Photos.

REID, Dixie.  Stairway to the Stars, Albuquerque Journal Magazine, Impact, February 5, 1985; 12-14.

CAPASSO, Nicholas.   Environmental Art: Strategies for Reorientation in Nature, Arts, January 1985; 73-77.

LIPPARD, Lucy.  Overlay: Contemporary Art and the Art of Prehistory, Pantheon, NY, 1983; 104-5. Photo.

McDEVITT, Lorelei Heller.  Bringing Light Into Focus, Designers West, October 1983; 110-13. Color photos. Sky Art Conference ’83, (catalogue), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, Sept., 1983.9, 29, 90.

SAKANE, Itsuo.  World of Expanding Images – Sanctuary Where the Earth Meets the Sky, Asahi Shimbun, 9-9-82.

WILSON, MaLin.  Santa Fe: Charles Ross at Heydt/Bair, Artlines, July 1982; 31-32. Photo. For Spacious Skies, (catalogue), M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts,1981.

CHAFEE, Katherine Smith.  Charles Ross, Artspace, Fall 1981, pp..24-27.. Mid-August 1981; 60-61. Color photos. (cover).

SAKANE, Itsuo.  Cosmic Art, Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo, March 27,1981.

SOFAER, Anna.  Sunlight Convergence/Solar Burn, Archaeoastronomy, Winter, 1980; 42-44. Illus.

CLURMAN, Irene.  Catch a Rainbow at Spectrum, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO, October 26, 1980; 17. Photos. A Major Move for Earthwork Art,San Francisco Examiner, October 28, 1977; 24.

FORGEY, Benjamin.  Hirshhorn Gives Us a Glimpse of Faraway Earth Art, Washington Star, Oct. 30, 1977; F-1.

LEWIS, Joanne.   The Landscape of Art for the ’70’s, Washington Post, October 30,1977;  L-1 and L-3.

LARSON, Kay.  New Landscapes in Art,  New York Times Magazine, My 13,1979; 20-23, 28, 30, 33-34, 36, 38.Photo.

KEEFE, Jeffrey.  Artforum, May 1979. Photo.

THALACKER, Donald.  The Place of Art in the World of Architecture, Chelsea House/R.R. Bowker, 1979.Photos.

KUSPIT, Donald W.  Charles Ross: Light’s Measure, Art In America, March/April 1978; 96-100. Color, b & w photos.

HORVITZ, Robert and Charles Ross.  Co-Evolution Quarterly, Winter, 1977-1978; 104-107. Photo & illus. Probing The Earth: Contemporary Land Projects, (catalogue), Hirshhorn Museum, 1977, intro. John Beardsley, Star Axis; 71-74.

SHAPIRO, David and Lindsay Stamm.  Charles Ross, Arts Magazine, June 1977; 9.  Color photos.

ROSS, Charles. Sunlight Convergence/Solar Burn, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1976. The Substance of Light: Sunlight Dispersion, The Solar Bruns, Point Source/Star Space, (catalogue), La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, CA, 1976. Introduction by Susan Tower, essay by Steve Katz.

ROSS, Charles. Solar Burns/Sunlight Convergence, Arts Magazine, December/January 1973; 48-50, cover.

MONTE, James. Review. Charles Ross: Dilexi Gallery, ARTFORUM, March, 1965, Vol. 3, No. 6, Pg 46. 

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